Sandy Hufnagle Testimonial

My name is Sandy Hufnagle and I am 67 years old. I was at an all time low when I saw an add in the newspaper for one on one personal training. I had tried so many things on my own in the past and nothing worked for me so I decided that I needed help from a professional. Not only did I need to lose weight but I was having a lot of problems with acid reflux. When I first spoke to Kathy and found out that she is located near Coopersburg I was a little concerned about the distance because I am from Perkasie. I decided to meet with her anyway to at least see what her program was all about. When I met with Kathy and she explained how her program works, I realized that she was the help that I was looking for. I started training with her August 8th 2015 at 140 lbs. After just one month I had lost 19 lbs. and my acid reflux was gone! In 2 months I lost 40 lbs. and my energy is through the roof! I haven’t felt this good in years!
If you want results, CALL KATHY! Her experience and knowledge as a personal trainer and nutrition specialist has me looking in the mirror again. Kathy’s optional food plan is so simple and easy to follow and her caring and encouragement drives you to do your very best. Looking back, I thank God that I looked in the paper that day because it has changed my life!
Sincerely, Sandy Hufnagle
Perkasie Pa.