Kristy Applegate Testimonial

I am so thankful for New Mind And Body personal training! They knew exactly what they were doing when they named their place because that is exactly what I got, a new mind set and a new body. When I started my journey, I truly didn’t know what to expect. I have always been athletic growing up. I was very much into sports and staying active. However, after getting pregnant and having my daughter some things got pushed by the wayside and exercise and being in shape were at the top of that list. I have never been to a gym before except in high school when I frequented the weight room for sports but I had no idea what I was doing then and no one really showed me what to do. I came to New Mind And Body for them to teach me, motivate me and to gain an understanding of how to properly exercise so that I would see results. I am 30 years old and when I started at New Mind And Body in January I weighed 146 lbs. I had no energy, I felt like a slouch and I didn’t feel very good about myself and the fact that I had totally let myself go. I did not have a goal weight in mind, I just knew I wanted to get back to feeling like the active person I had always been.
I am absolutely in love with this place and the people here. I just cannot thank them enough and will continue to train with them because they have given me so much and I continue to learn new things with every session. I have not felt this good in 10 years! Physically and Mentally! I feel good, look good and I wake up every morning with tons of energy! With Kathy’s help and guidance with proper meal planning and her assistance with goal setting and all of the trainers knowledge and motivation, I am where I want to be and it only took 5 months to achieve everything I have so far.
I am now 120 lbs and I feel amazing! Not only have I lost the excess fat but I have gained a lot of muscle. I have so much more energy to play with my daughter and I have such a better outlook on everything in life. I am so grateful for everything I learned and gained!