Kelly Dawson Shultz Testimonial

Kelly Dawson Shultz
Just wanted to take a moment and thank Kathy Stone. I’ve been working with her for 3 months on my digestive issues, and with the use of FANTASTIC vitamins, and an aloe drink, my acid reflux and gastritis is practically non-existent. In fact after only the first month, had to have my annual stomach scope and my hiatal hernia was actually showing major healing. I owe it to the aloe drink! Then for the past 2 months I began working on healthier eating habits.
Did you know 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day decreases your chances of getting any type of cancer by 70%? Well it’s true!! In two short months, I am closing in on 25 pounds off now, and am so excited to see where I am going to be 2 months from now. I actually exercise 5 days a week. I always hated it but once you get a routine going you actually look forward to doing it. I’m not in this to get “skinny”, I’m in this to become the best that I can be. The health benefits alone have been a tremendous reward already. So thanks Rc Moore for your post a few months ago that peaked my interest to make a change, and again to Kathy for being such a positive impact on my life! If anyone wants to make a change for the better, I highly recommend you contact Kathy. You will be so glad you did!
Kelly Dawson Shultz
August 28, 2017
So, I bought myself some new clothes…2 to 3 sizes smaller, might I add! I had to clean out my closet to have room to hang them. So I decided to try some old things on. LOLOLOLOL. At first, I laughed hysterically as pairs of pants just fell right back off, one pair after another, as I put them on. Then I thought, this isn’t funny, how did I ever let myself get into this shape!
Grrrrrr!! NEVER AGAIN! My feet only swelled one day at Grange. I had more energy. I ACTUALLY FIT IN THE CAMPER WINDOW when our lock on the door broke. Yep I actually folded myself completely in half and went in through that tiny window. Not bad at 55 years old! Thanks again Kathy Stone for all your help and encouragement. I am so excited to continue to work toward my final goal and to be healthy and feel great`!!