Irene T Oehmke Testimonial

Dear Kathy,
Working with you has been life changing! And not just for me but also for my family. Seeing my success has inspired them to embrace your plan as well. I’ve shed 35 pounds so far!
After gaining 50 lbs, having my blood pressure, cholesterol, and other numbers climb I decided to either invest my money in my health or waste on medications. I had previously tried a weight management program through a hospital and aside from being cumbersome it really did not produce results.
Under your plan I was able to lose weight, exercise, and not feel hungry or exhausted. Although I chose to lose weight a little more slowly than most of your clients, I can honestly say that by mid-day of my first day on your plan I already felt better. Any time I veered too far off your plan I begin to feel sluggish and foggy. As soon as I get back to the plan I feel better.
Aside from weight loss I’ve gone down about 4 sizes and working towards being 5 sizes down. I feel so much younger! That in and of itself is simply priceless!
My medications have been reduced as well. I have energy and stamina to keep up with our three young grandchildren and that just thrills my heart.
My Family- my husband has lost over 20 pounds since I started with you, my daughter has lost 10, her mother-in-law lost 6 and most astounding of all is my 92-year-old father who lost about 10 pounds and floored the doctors with his numbers from his bloodwork. He has deviated from your plan on occasion and recently told me he doesn’t ever want to do that again because he feels so much better when he follows your plan.
Best part about your plan is that it’s easy. Yes, I keep a food journal but I’m not calculating calories or driving myself crazy measuring food. I eat, and I enjoy eating, but now I eat smart.
Thank you, Kathy, for giving me the tools to literally turn back the clock. You did for me what no doctor and no medication could ever do. You empowered me! Thank you.
” we’re not there yet, but we’ve come a long way baby!”